I need her to stay please be with me
Don’t left me away give me another chance
The words that would mend the things that were broken
Please its too late, don’t gone away

Every night I wanna be with you to sleep
Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?
The best thing that ever happen to me"
Hard to believe that

It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I wanna be with you through the night
I won't be without you

The taste of your breath, I'll never get over
The virtue of her sight kept me awake
The weight of things that remained unspoken
Built up we need us everyday

Every night I wanna be with you to sleep
Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?
The best thing that ever happen to me"
Hard to believe that

It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I wanna be with you through the night
I won't be without you

It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I wanna be with you through the night
I won't be without you

Of all the things I felt but never really shown
Perhaps the worst is that I ever let you go
I should not ever let you go, oh oh oh

It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I wanna be with you through the night
And I won't be without you

It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I wanna be with you through the night
I won't be without you
And I won't be without you
And I won't be without you
And I won't be without you



From the last chapter i left you at Gombak tol. We just came back from Bukit Tinggi. We are on our way back to Shah Alam. After the tol exit if you take left you will go to Sungai Besi and if you take right will go straight to Duke highway and Shah Alam. So which shall we ? I take left basically she does not know anything about this. She still think we are going back to Shah Alam. The she saw the signboard Seremban. Suddenly she dazed and happy like she going to hit me in a happy way. We arrive in PD around 4 or 5 pm. It still hot there. I park and we take a walk on the beach. The water is so inviting. Hot weather and going to the water is very refreshing. She too thinking about it. So we walk around looking for Pants or shirt for a swim. We came here unprepared. Note to myself next time planing a surprise plan better dude. Kecewa bro benda yang dijual nya tak memuaskan betul. Finally we just sinsing our pants and went for the water. She said jangan basahkan dia. Haha this is Ahmad Syazzuwan mana boleh tahan nak kacaw orang. I throw some water to her and let the war begins. After playing in the water we sat on the beach. She a little bit tired and apa kata kita tanam kaki dia. Haha i buried her feet on the sand. Then Tengokla tu kenapa tanam kaki i ni. I really have a problem in sitting down quietly, Poor her. Its getting late and we sure are hungry. Before that she need to shishi.Haha. We when to shishi first and then we looks for food. we sat in a seafood restaurant. At that time a really have a thing for Ikan 3 Rasa. Looking at the menu and my cash i think it will not be appropriate. Nah then i choose lala 3 rasa. I never taste one. Other we have tom yam and kailan. We really have a great meal. Dia makan sungguh menyelerakan. It fun to looks at her when she is eating. I open up the lala for her. Banyak juga lala tu rupanya. And the price make me regret not to choose ikan 3 rasa. We are very full. She smile and yeahhhh. It time to went back home for real. She getting sleepy. I stop for petrol and she ask to get her some sweet to keep her a wake and accompany me. I notice the petronas is selling cake. She did not birthday cake yet.  I ask the cashier for the cake. Nak jual to boleh tapi kotak dia dah habis pegang dengan tangan okay ? Haha that will be funny. Xpela. I buy menthos for her. Not nearly 5 minute she fall asleep. She must be really tired. Tapi dia tak dapat tidur lena. The car shaking and she looking for something to hold on to. What to do. i give her my arm. Haha the solution. I try to drive as carefull as i can, She sleep tightly until the subang tol. so sweet smiling in her sleep. I drive single handedly all the way. Haha. Kan dah kata gua power. I sent her to the door. and the way down the stairs i notice my jeans still smell of salty PD water. Haha what a day. 3 state drive.  



"Mereka tidak akan berpuas hati dengan kamu selagi kamu tidak mengikut cara mereka"

apa yang menentukan susuatu itu patut atau tidak. Jawapan dia persepsi masyarakat. Suara majoriti. Kenapa dalam dunia ini tak ada satu kumpulan yang kaya bersama. Kenapa tuhan tak lantik sekumpulan nabi. Kan senang sekali dakwah satu kumpulan. Sebabnya majoriti tak akan berjaya pun. Yang berjaya seseorang yang mengatasi majoriti.  Apabila kita ikut orang kita sentiasa benar kita boleh naik. Jangan melawan nanti susah hidup kita. Kita harini dididik untuk meletakan apa orang cakap di hadapan. Apa cik kiah cakap nanti. Apa mak long kamu kata nanti. Apa jiran hujung jalan tu bisingkan. Kenapa orang bercakap. Kerena meraka tak puas hati dengan kita. Apa kita buat tak kena dengan mereka. Anak Pak cik abu tu lumba motor tak pernah habis. Macam mana kalau anak Pak abu lumba motor menang duit kasi dekat kau. Adake kau nak bebel dekat dia. Selagi kita melekat dengan cakap orang kita tidak akan ke mana pun. Betul kadang kala apa orang cakap itu membantu. Tapi masyarakat harini tak layak nak berkata. Jangan nak cakap aku bodoh kalau anak kau sendiri tak sekolah. Jangan nak cakap orang lain miskin kalau kau sendiri mengemis simpati. Orang hanya pandai mengkritik. Itu salah ini salah. Habis apa yang betul ? Kalau orang tu salah macam mana pun kalau dia bagus dari kau tak ada jadahnya. Malu la. Nilai orang tengok apa yang bagus. Pergi mati apa orang nak cakap selagi kau boleh hidup jadi orang.



Drum roll please....and let the game begins... The forth semester start the flirting game begins. Seriously this one a harder catch. It like fishing u need a good rhythm of pull and push. I had a great time going out with her. We go for dinner and movie. Ghost rider two... with her watching ghost rider is like watching hantu kak limah. I like her laugh. Everytime i sent her to her doors it hard to let go and we end up being ahli mesyuarat tangga. It looks sily but its the sweetest thing. her cannot let you go and stop you for a chat at the stairs. At that stairs i know that her birthday is the same as mama.. we got the same ic number and now she have the same birthday as mama. The sky must be talking to me.
Here come 2nd April. It your shoot man. i got to get something great going. That day she have Ki. i pickup her up and ask her a hot wish or a cold wish. she pickup cold. Let the trips begin. I ask her if she had ever went to bukit tinggi. the she said jusco ? haha not that one la silly.This one is in Pahang. She said yeahhhh nak balik kampung. Haha. The trip went smoothly. It is a little bit chilly up there. They have a nice view up there. We when for a walk and the got flowers and swan. She afraid of the swan. Haha. We see the view from up the hill... and... :) :) the harder task up there is asking someone to take your pic.. but we made it

then we had back to shah alam. But its only about 2 pm. She looks sedih haha..we chat and she ask about the hot wish back then haha. I said about PD...then she said alaaaa... haha.
then we arrive at the gombak tol..

Stay tune for more adventure haha...



After the last day of semester..bammmmm incident. I did not contact her at all. Sentap maa. Akhirnya dapat tahu dia punyai lelaki. Lelakinya pula kan bawa Mercedez.Apa saja dia minta dia memberi tetapi aku yang patut...okay tak betul. This guy does not own a mercedez. He just a plain bullshit. Ini orang boleh sailang saja ma. But at that time i did not feel like doing it. During the holiday i immerse myself with my family. Playing with my little brother. Then one night after getting my bro to sleep my phone ring. Back then its very rare case for my phone to ring. Sometime i lost my phone for days when i am at home because i have no use for it. She text me...auuummmmmm... she said nite..haha. Memancing ni. Then we text for a while that night. After that we text several time. Usually she will said "hey dah makan ke belum" at 3.30 pm during i am picking Amier at the tempat mengaji. Funny thing on my birthday night she wait till 12.00 am to wish me. She said "dah 21 dah ley anak dara orang and smoga dapat awek yang hot".haha.Semoga dapat awek yang hot ya. I ask a to make me a cake since she good with cake and i never got a cake for birthday. She said okay but she said she will not make the cake too sweet and low fat because she said i jaga badan.haha.See how sweet : )
So bring me my cake....cake cake cake  



And my search go on. with the only clue i have i start searching. It do take a while. Nasib la baik she approve it quickly and at that time i am online. okay next steps wall post. I notice she has a unique name. Way to start a conversation there. At start it goes smoothly. Then here come the 1st bump. Nah its nothing but its a warning for something. Later we start chatting. Every time i  open my facebook i check whether she is online. Rare case to find her online but i manage several of chat la.. but usually she just gone missing during the chat. Pergi mandi ke apa. Harapan menipis. Then several night later i  decide before she gone missing again why not i ask her out. I asked her for roti canai. She replied dah gosok gigi la.. come on la.. but this dude is not gonna give up. I try to talk her in. Lastly i said "5 minit sampai ya tunggu" Then i just drive macam bodoh tak tahu ke mana yang tahu rumah dia atas 7e . haha. I park and wait in front of the 7e. For 20 minute nothing. then i go for cheat codes and get her phone number. I never asked her number before. Rupa rupanya rumah dia atas kedai lain la.haha. later she come down and we go for mamak. She order roti pisang. She said the most expensive dish there. We had a real nice chat while watching some EPL game. Time pass by real quick. She look like a real family girl. Decent for a chat. fun and funny. i got to know her little bit. Then i sent her home. The stairs are dark as the pendaflour are broken. I accompany her to her door. Thing goes smoothly. You got chance there man.

And bammmmmmm last day of the semester i saw her pic with a guy at Barra


There is one night in November. At that time my head is full of problem. Well that is the usual i am always a mess. When I am at mess i always jadi orang gila yang tak betul. Nak dijadikan cerita that night someone in my old house is practising his oral through skype with this house of girl. Then i saw this girl. She caught my eyes. I just sit watching her on the screen. She did not notice me much i think. I watch her smile, laugh, giggle  and chat. My head slowly empty and i feel relieve. I just can go on like this forever. Like you are on Novocaine. High beb. Melayang je rasa kepala dah kosong. Okay then she stop and said she want to go for shower. Come on la shower during night, Tak payah la please. Then she went missing. Comes the nightmare A bunch of girl come and mengedik on the screen. A real pain in the ass. Ahhhh i move away and do something else. Once a while i check the screen for her. Later much she come back. Sama je selepas mandi. Kan dah cakap tak payah mandi la.Haha. End of story...

I got to know her...i only got her name Yasmen. My amoi cun