Drum roll please....and let the game begins... The forth semester start the flirting game begins. Seriously this one a harder catch. It like fishing u need a good rhythm of pull and push. I had a great time going out with her. We go for dinner and movie. Ghost rider two... with her watching ghost rider is like watching hantu kak limah. I like her laugh. Everytime i sent her to her doors it hard to let go and we end up being ahli mesyuarat tangga. It looks sily but its the sweetest thing. her cannot let you go and stop you for a chat at the stairs. At that stairs i know that her birthday is the same as mama.. we got the same ic number and now she have the same birthday as mama. The sky must be talking to me.
Here come 2nd April. It your shoot man. i got to get something great going. That day she have Ki. i pickup her up and ask her a hot wish or a cold wish. she pickup cold. Let the trips begin. I ask her if she had ever went to bukit tinggi. the she said jusco ? haha not that one la silly.This one is in Pahang. She said yeahhhh nak balik kampung. Haha. The trip went smoothly. It is a little bit chilly up there. They have a nice view up there. We when for a walk and the got flowers and swan. She afraid of the swan. Haha. We see the view from up the hill... and... :) :) the harder task up there is asking someone to take your pic.. but we made it

then we had back to shah alam. But its only about 2 pm. She looks sedih haha..we chat and she ask about the hot wish back then haha. I said about PD...then she said alaaaa... haha.
then we arrive at the gombak tol..

Stay tune for more adventure haha...