Their is a case where position is not important everyone shall be treated equal. And there is a situation where position need to be there. It is not for the display of who's on top and bottom. It shall reflect on the function of each member of the group. Simply family. Each call name have their own function. Mom, Dad and the children.

Dad, the one who provide for the family. Provide protection, food, money. To ensure everyone live well, have a roof above, children having good education, grow up the child in fatherly manner. Without all this you will be a useless father. But people should understand some people will have limitation. Anyhow each one should at least provide his best effort to function.

Similar, a child often view as the weakest of the family. The weak will grow strong if nurture in the right way. During the child phase, he should put his best effort to learn for he need to be function in his future. Take care of his parent, siblings and protect the family legacy. A weak child will bring shame to the family legacy and grow a weaker child. By generation, there is nothing to be proud of the family. Do not look down on your function child.

Does this position need to be specified? A father might not be a man. For a single mother, She the one who provide for the family, ensure there is food on the table. Then, she is the father and mother of the family.

Position are same as respect, it need to there and put to use.