11 April 15 to 28 November 16

From 11 April 15 to 28 November 16 it had been

Five Hundred Ninety Seven days had passed

51 million ticking second

1 year, 7 months, 17 days

That a very long way. Lots had happen in a sense that i also don't know how to describe them. It's like my world had been twisted upside down. I wish it just a dream that i soon be waking up. My brain had been hit and cramped with lot of things to be process. I fell like cursing or crying. For a 25 years old some time i feel it is too much.

It is written that my life won't be such a joy ride. The moment i let my guard down shit keeping coming out of no where. For now I just want to say to who or what so ever setting this universe you are just starting a war with me.

I had loss what i could loss. Unfairly taken from me in the mist i am marching to my glory days. I will take you out. You just wait.