Happy Me Time

Throughout my life I had several stages of Happy Me Time

Childhood Stage
Weekend when abah comeback we go to mall, eating fast food and buying toy. I can spend hours browsing the toys rack

Secondary School Stage
Eating lunch all by myself watching what available on tv. I can be Indonesia sinetron or malay drama

MRSM Stage
Going out to Malacca town to mall or just walking around. Either i fly during weekend or before take the bus back home. Buying small stuff and eating out.

Asasi Stage
Walking around KL, going to petaling street, low yat, mid valley. Sometimes i purposely take the bus back from Kuantan to KL first for a walk before going back to Uitm.

Degree Stage
Cooking and eating lunch alone while watching my favourite series HIMYM, SOA, The Simpsons. Usually i bought ayam goreng and sayur. Especially if no evening class, what a life.

Radia Working Stage
Going out to mall. Walking alone seing thing. Even though to place such as Giant. What a Therapy.

Marriage LDR Stage
My wife and I will try opportunity to meet up like if i have meetings or training in KL. We plan our short getaway. I will pickup her at office by LRT. We spend time side touring to mall and eating out

NDWT 150KM Day Travel
To drive back without jam. After a day of work and jogging. Driving back home while thinking or watching youtube. I have my inner peace.



 Aku tak tahu la memang aku ada beef dengan kereta Honda ke apa tapi memang aku rasa tak ngam. Antara sebab atas jalan banyak orang bodoh dan atas jalan banyak kereta honda. In relation dia banyak orang bodoh akan pakai honda. Jadi banyak la kereta Honda yang buat benda bodoh atas jalan. Aku memang pantang sangat dengan kebodohan dekat jalan.

Personal opinion aku pasal owner Honda ni base on model kereta dia. Apa owner dia rasa pasal diri dia.

Honda Jazz - Kebanyakan nya perempuan. Mereka rasa mereka la the chick. Ayu ke hot ke. Jadi they deserve special treatment. Tak perlu bagi signal. Patut diberi parking. Boleh letak kereta mana mana walau block jalan because they are special.

Honda City - Aku la eksekutif berjaya. Career aku berjaya di usia muda. Dunia pandang lah aku. Itula yang Owner Honda City cuba show. Jadi aku special. Tak perlu bagi signal. kena bagi dia cut lane sebab dia dah lewat untuk meeting project 1B. Mertua dan chick will crave for me. Kalau balik kampung aku lah the man.

Honda Civic - Akulah driver Ferrari yang paling laju. Kereta aku paling laju. Aku kaya la mampu beli Civic ni. Lane kanan memang aku punya. Suka hati aku la nak drive slow ke laju. Just Bare with me.

Honda Accord - Yang ni je aku rasa matang and in it's own class.

Pagi ni aku teringat inciden depan asam pedas kota laksamana melaka. Ini memang lawak untuk aku. Jalan depan kedai tu memang 2 lane. Bila malam ramai park tepi jalan jadi jalan sempit. Dari 2 lane jadi 1 lane. Most people akan masuk dari kanan kedai tu dan keluar ke kiri. Aku dah beli ambil makanan semua. aku pun reverse nak keluar. Dah jalan ke depan sikit ada Honda Civic masuk dari kiri. Honda Civic FC convert bodykit Type-R yang ada part keluar keluar tu. Nampak macam baru keluar kedai. Aku drive Navara. Memang tak muat nak lalu sebelah sebelah. Aku tunggu la dah tak lepas nak lalu. Civic ni pun tak nak reverse tapi makin ke depan. Aku cakap la tak muat ni. Dia lagi drive ke depan. Nak lalu sebelah. End up gesel lah. Semua part tercacak keluar dia kena tayar navara. Bunyi dia memang pilu lah. Haha. Once dah gesel kau tak boleh reverse lah kena terus ke depan. Aftermatch dia bumper belakang dia tercabut. Owner dia dengan dialek utara kecoh kecoh cakap aku tak cukup ke tepi untuk dia lalu. Aku cakap la dah ckp tak muat nak lalu juga. Bising bising last last dia cakap " Tak apa la bang saya maafkan, tak payah ganti". Jadah nya aku nak ganti, kau yang bodoh. Tak payah maafkan dah memang aku tak salah. Haha. Tu aku cakap dgn wife aku, Kalau aku dah nampak ada kereta besar depan tu, even aku betul pun baik aku reverse. Kereta baru ada reverse camera semua reverse je la. Lagi nak try luck. Haha. Dapat Sakit. So, Honda kau punya speciality tak apply dkt semua orang. 



McDonald one my first choice for fast food. It's not due to trends or sign of wealth. Yes, some people consider eating at McD as sign of wealth.

Looking at McD will take me back to all my childhood memories. I still remember when my father use to work in KL and we are staying in Malacca. Every friday afternoon my father will drive back and spend the weekend with us. Usually our weekend rewards will be going to Jaya Jusco to buy toys, Lego and eating out. Such a good times.

Being a father now, I understand something we are not always financially well. The cheat code to treat your kids with both of this is Happy Meal. You got food and meal for less than 10 ringgit. I remember we going to McD at Fajar. Last time we when there was in 2016 a few week before that that McD was close forever. The old toys was good and well though for. It's bad that i never take good care of them. People are paying fortune for them now.

Mcd, childhood, my father.