Happy Me Time

Throughout my life I had several stages of Happy Me Time

Childhood Stage
Weekend when abah comeback we go to mall, eating fast food and buying toy. I can spend hours browsing the toys rack

Secondary School Stage
Eating lunch all by myself watching what available on tv. I can be Indonesia sinetron or malay drama

MRSM Stage
Going out to Malacca town to mall or just walking around. Either i fly during weekend or before take the bus back home. Buying small stuff and eating out.

Asasi Stage
Walking around KL, going to petaling street, low yat, mid valley. Sometimes i purposely take the bus back from Kuantan to KL first for a walk before going back to Uitm.

Degree Stage
Cooking and eating lunch alone while watching my favourite series HIMYM, SOA, The Simpsons. Usually i bought ayam goreng and sayur. Especially if no evening class, what a life.

Radia Working Stage
Going out to mall. Walking alone seing thing. Even though to place such as Giant. What a Therapy.

Marriage LDR Stage
My wife and I will try opportunity to meet up like if i have meetings or training in KL. We plan our short getaway. I will pickup her at office by LRT. We spend time side touring to mall and eating out

NDWT 150KM Day Travel
To drive back without jam. After a day of work and jogging. Driving back home while thinking or watching youtube. I have my inner peace.