There is one night in November. At that time my head is full of problem. Well that is the usual i am always a mess. When I am at mess i always jadi orang gila yang tak betul. Nak dijadikan cerita that night someone in my old house is practising his oral through skype with this house of girl. Then i saw this girl. She caught my eyes. I just sit watching her on the screen. She did not notice me much i think. I watch her smile, laugh, giggle  and chat. My head slowly empty and i feel relieve. I just can go on like this forever. Like you are on Novocaine. High beb. Melayang je rasa kepala dah kosong. Okay then she stop and said she want to go for shower. Come on la shower during night, Tak payah la please. Then she went missing. Comes the nightmare A bunch of girl come and mengedik on the screen. A real pain in the ass. Ahhhh i move away and do something else. Once a while i check the screen for her. Later much she come back. Sama je selepas mandi. Kan dah cakap tak payah mandi la.Haha. End of story...

I got to know her...i only got her name Yasmen. My amoi cun