Today my life turns into a new milestone. Every Birthday, I look into what I had achieved last year. Some years are to be proud of some just a memory I want to forget.

30 years old

0 - 5: My memories kind of vague. I remember a few goods and bad. It was a very distant memory. I can remember Malacca. Other than that all is very blurred.

6 - 12: The time where I felt I am at the top of the world. My world was very small at that moment. A small child yet to see the rough world. School just a playground to me. 

13 - 15: All the heartbreak keep pouring in. I sort of lost trying to find my way around the mess of my world.

16 - 17: The world keeps becoming bigger. I start to understand something so much bigger than usual and unchangeable. A regular effort would not change anything.

18 - 23: Experienced from my venture to the open world, I start to work around it but sometimes I think I am too smart to play around it and I fell short. All those bruised given me more experience.

24 - 25: Launching my career in the outworld. Very tough, I keep my shit all the way. Good feeling to earn my own money.

26 - 28: Just lost Abah. I lost my way for a while. Get married and have a kid. Figuring all this and making my way with it. A lot of things happening.

29: More insightful things happen. I need to repair myself, having my second child. A new challenge that I need to face to grow up.

30 years maybe half of my lifetime or a third of it. Maybe I all ready past my halftime and nearly the end. Hopefully after this I able to endure all the challenges coming and come up well.