This guy taught me to live a predator. Life always a mess and fuked by the fate is no coincidence. Gain from it and turn things around. You won't get fuked again and get what you wanted. Nothing can end you.

This guy taught me you can rise above hate. The crowd will insult you when you don't live their way and cheer you when you are at the top of the pole. Don't give a daym about what been said around you. Listen to yourself and you regret nothing.

This guy taught me not to cry about tomorrow nothing is certain. All can be change. You only been twisted by fate or get cheated by a friend.



Bila ada benda yang besar jadi dalam hidup manusia mungkin la manusia berubah. Manusia yang dapat mengubah orang lain memang la hebat. Nak nak kalau manusia macam gua ni. Tapi sebenarnya mengharapkan orang berubah adalah kerja sia sia. Gua dah berdepan dengan spesimen manusia yang tak berubah paling lama dari jarak dekat. Abah gua. Abah gua kalau bab kerja dengan usaha gua respek. Nak harapkan dia jaga hati ambil kisah pasal orang lain jauh sekali. Nak menghalang melarang orang adala. Dulu masa gua budak ada la juga mengharap ada abah macam orang lain. Macam seronok nampak. Sekarang tak perlu la harapan tu. Dia tak akan berubah nya. Baiklah gua bina hidup sendiri. Benda yang paling gua kesian kan mama. Tiap kali balik mesti ada aduannya. Gua rasa mama gua paling la sabar. Bila dia bercerita benda gembira pun gua tak tahu. Siap cakap kamila anak anak yang buat dia gembira. Tu la pasal gua ni sebab mama try juga la jaga perangai. Pedih la kalau kecewakan dia. Kalau time dia cakap anak anak dah besar mama nak pergi dulu tak ada apa dah. Itu lagi sadis tu kalau dengar. Gua rasa cukupla gua tengok mama macam mana, tak perlu la gua nak ulang balik apa abah gua buat. Gua pun tak suka. Tuhan tak kan mengubah nasib selagi manusia tak berubah. Sebab tu la memang tak berubah pun hidup jadi lebih baik. Dah manusia pun tak kan berubah. Pandai juga tuhan buat trick dekat situ.Ini ialah penulisan yang sakit hati dan gua sabar sebab gua dah janji nak bersabar tak nak buat vendalisme.Haha. 



I learn to live by my heart and not the surround control me. No one will ever tell what best for me. I'll say it worth i fight for it

We're not gonna be
Just apart of their game
We're not gonna be
Just the victims
They're taking our dreams
And they tear them apart
'til everyone's the same
I've got no place to go
I've got no where to run
They love to watch me fall
They think they know it all

I'm a nightmare, a disaster
That's what they always said
I'm a lost cause, not a hero
But I'll make it on my own
I've gotta prove them wrong
Me against the world
It's me against the world

We won't let them change
How we feel in our hearts
We're not gonna let them control us
We won't let them shove
All their thoughts in our heads
And we'll never be like them

I've got no place to go
I've got no where to run
They love to watch me fall
They think they know it all

I'm a nightmare, a disaster
That's what they always said
I'm a lost cause, not a hero
But I'll make it on my own
I've gotta prove them wrong
Me against the world
It's me against the world

Now I'm sick of this waiting
So come on and take your shot
You can spit all your insults
But nothing you say is gonna change us
You can sit there and judge me
Say what you want to
We'll never let you in

I'm a nightmare, a disaster
That's what they always said
I'm a lost cause, not a hero
But I'll make it on my own
Me against the world

I'm a nightmare, a disaster
That's what they always said
I'm a lost cause, not a hero
But I'll make it on my own
I've got to prove them wrong
They'll never bring us down

We'll never fall in line
I'll make it on my own
Me against the world



I found this at twitter and let see what intresting about it
Free education in university who will oppose it rite. People love to keep their sake money in their pocket. If the student dont pay anything then where should the money to fund education come from. Tax. how much do Malaysian pay tax ever year ? Then people always say "duit rakyat" like the "duit rakyat" worth zillion dollar. In United kingdom their tax rate is more than 30% of your income annually. Try enforce that in Malaysia you will see a riot. If he say German have free education what their tax rate then. Malaysia is not a charity body it work like a company. If all is free that Malaysia will go bankrupt.

PTPTN ? Is it compulsory. You apply it by your own because you know you can't afford to live like king and change handphone every semester. Then why should you slur PTPTN. Be thankful people. There are people who don't get loan and work during holidays to support their study and you just laying around during holidays because your loan money had run out. If PTPTN give you 10k per year you will shut up.

Selective entry to university awesome yeah?  Then There will be less leng lui at the fac =( The government try to ensure everyone have higher education not only the selective. They didn't give you free education but the selective get JPA scholar. Maintain 2.3 cgpa and get 5k++ per semester. Come on la selective people. I think people that get to university is already selected but still they are people who flunk out. Yes it good to look at the bigger picture but start small. Rather then go against  Malaysia why don't you start in faculty politic. Fight against the lecturer who "Makan Gaji Buta" and persuade them to teach us better or disband ridiculous university regulation. Then you will be a real hero. 



Hari ini birthday Amier Shahriel yang ke sepuluh tapi dia gayanya masihla macam empat tahun. Birthday wish nak makan mama belanja pizza abah belanja ikan stim. Yang ni jadi petang tadi masa dalam kereta.

Abang : Macam mana kalau adik tak lahir harini ?
Adik    : Tak adala adik kat dunia ni.
Abang : Kalau lahir jadi anak orang lain macam mana?
Adik    : Mana boleh adik kan lahir dari DNA abah dengan mama
Abang : Kalau lahir jadi anak yong nak tak?
Adik    : Tak nakla tak best langsung
Abang : kalau lahir jadi orang cacat macam mana?
Adik    : Tak nak la nanti susah je.
Abang : Orang cacat la bagus tak sembahyang boleh masuk syurga.
Adik    : manada. orang sakit pun kena sembahyang.
Abang : Tapi kalau dia cacat semua tak ada. Macam mana nak sembahyang haaa?
Adik    : Wan nak ke jadi cacat ?
Abang : Boleh masuk syurga free.
Adik    : Tapinya kalau cacat tak boleh bawa kereta tak ada girlfriend cantik tu.
Abang : "=,=

Sebagai revenge gua letak gambar dia masa masuk hospital lima jam paling menyedihkan dalam hidup dia sampai dia dah tak boleh nak menangis. Haha.



Duduk di shoplot mentiga jaya. Jam dah pukul empat. Adik tak turun turun dari pintu nombor dua deretan ini. Dari bawah didengari suara ustaz memanggil satu persatu nama. Biasanya pukul dua setengah naik ke atas pukul empat turun. Kalau abah datang awal boleh la minta balik awal. Dalam sejam tu adala tiga kali ustaz panggil baca depan dia. Ustaz ni kadang kadang garang juga. Kalau tak takkan la adik siap menangis mula mula dulu. Tiba tiba tangan dihulur minta duit ais krim. Aku pun bangun dari kerusi di bawah. Rupanya dah dekat sepuluh tahun aku  tak mengaji dekat sini.