Loss and Gain

Once you passed one hardship, a few walks later another one will come your way. This one shall be harder since you are tougher now. That is the cycle until the final one came. The final one shall be your death. The End.

Seeing children losing their mum, husband losing his wife due to covid made me reminisce the day I'll lose Abah.

When you were in the stage of that person in dire illness or coma, you keep hoping, praying, doing anything to return it to normal. Deep down only you and yourself know it. Will it return and how we adjust or Will it ends and how do we move forward?

When the gavel hit down. It's decided. You're permanently losing your loved one. No more phone calls, no more talking to him or her, you can't do anything with them anymore.

The funeral and all the condolence will be quick and just passing thru. You hope to do your best for the loved one final journey. The next morning and days after the reality start to seep in. Your life totally changed. You lose your support. You keep wondering why this thing happens to you. You try to find a reason to blame. Only time will dry the wound and left a permanent scar there. It won't heal. After that, you pick it up what is left and continue on.

How long the time it takes you would not know. Maybe months, years, or maybe never. Some just never. 

After losing Abah, I'll figure the worst things God could do was take my wife during pregnancy or labor. It can be worse but we will never know until the time came. God had a special relationship with me and how to F me up. Hopefully, things got better and my family and I got tougher to face it.

Wife is a significant factor that decides your life. It works both ways but at different tunes. Husband needs a wife he can count on, do not complicate his life, and fight together. The wife needs a husband that wants more (unless she prefers a static life), a husband that is Independent (doesn't do traditional and wants her to do all the house things alone), and a husband she can count on.

If the thing does not work both ways, then it shall be like dragging an anchor.

Every time my wife asks "why do I choose her ?"

The utmost reason is that I know she can be my float. Together we can be great.