And my search go on. with the only clue i have i start searching. It do take a while. Nasib la baik she approve it quickly and at that time i am online. okay next steps wall post. I notice she has a unique name. Way to start a conversation there. At start it goes smoothly. Then here come the 1st bump. Nah its nothing but its a warning for something. Later we start chatting. Every time i  open my facebook i check whether she is online. Rare case to find her online but i manage several of chat la.. but usually she just gone missing during the chat. Pergi mandi ke apa. Harapan menipis. Then several night later i  decide before she gone missing again why not i ask her out. I asked her for roti canai. She replied dah gosok gigi la.. come on la.. but this dude is not gonna give up. I try to talk her in. Lastly i said "5 minit sampai ya tunggu" Then i just drive macam bodoh tak tahu ke mana yang tahu rumah dia atas 7e . haha. I park and wait in front of the 7e. For 20 minute nothing. then i go for cheat codes and get her phone number. I never asked her number before. Rupa rupanya rumah dia atas kedai lain la.haha. later she come down and we go for mamak. She order roti pisang. She said the most expensive dish there. We had a real nice chat while watching some EPL game. Time pass by real quick. She look like a real family girl. Decent for a chat. fun and funny. i got to know her little bit. Then i sent her home. The stairs are dark as the pendaflour are broken. I accompany her to her door. Thing goes smoothly. You got chance there man.

And bammmmmmm last day of the semester i saw her pic with a guy at Barra